Assistenza clienti
Lista dei desideri
  • EXIT Toys
  • -
  • Corpo pompa filtro a sabbia EXIT 3.028L(800gal)/h / 3.785L(1000gal)/h
Corpo pompa filtro a sabbia EXIT 3.028L(800gal)/h / 3.785L(1000gal)/hEXIT pool sand filter pump - 1000 gallons/hourEXIT Stone pool 400x200x100cm with sand filter pump - greyEXIT Stone pool 540x250x100cm with sand filter pump - greyEXIT Stone pool ø360x122cm with sand filter pump - greyEXIT Stone pool ø427x122cm with sand filter pump - greyEXIT Stone pool ø450x122cm with sand filter pump - greyEXIT Stone pool ø488x122cm with sand filter pump - greyEXIT Stone pool 400x200x122cm with sand filter pump - greyEXIT Stone pool 540x250x122cm with sand filter pump - greyEXIT Stone pool 400x200x100cm with sand filter pump and dome - greyEXIT Stone pool 540x250x100cm with sand filter pump and dome - greyEXIT Stone pool ø360x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - greyEXIT Black Leather pool ø360x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - blackEXIT Stone pool ø427x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - greyEXIT Black Leather pool ø427x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - blackEXIT Stone pool ø450x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - greyEXIT Black Leather pool ø450x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - blackEXIT Stone pool ø488x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - greyEXIT Black Leather pool ø488x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - blackEXIT Stone pool 400x200x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - greyEXIT Black Leather pool 400x200x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - blackEXIT Stone pool 540x250x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - greyEXIT Black Leather pool 540x250x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - blackEXIT Stone pool 400x200x100cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - greyEXIT Stone pool 540x250x100cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - greyEXIT Stone pool ø360x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - greyEXIT Stone pool ø427x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - greyEXIT Stone pool ø450x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - greyEXIT Stone pool ø488x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - greyEXIT Stone pool 400x200x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - greyEXIT Stone pool 540x250x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - greyEXIT pool sand filter pump - 800 gallons/hour
Corpo pompa filtro a sabbia EXIT 3.028L(800gal)/h / 3.785L(1000gal)/h
EXIT pool sand filter pump - 1000 gallons/hour
EXIT Stone pool 400x200x100cm with sand filter pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool 540x250x100cm with sand filter pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø360x122cm with sand filter pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø427x122cm with sand filter pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø450x122cm with sand filter pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø488x122cm with sand filter pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool 400x200x122cm with sand filter pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool 540x250x122cm with sand filter pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool 400x200x100cm with sand filter pump and dome - grey
EXIT Stone pool 540x250x100cm with sand filter pump and dome - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø360x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - grey
EXIT Black Leather pool ø360x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - black
EXIT Stone pool ø427x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - grey
EXIT Black Leather pool ø427x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - black
EXIT Stone pool ø450x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - grey
EXIT Black Leather pool ø450x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - black
EXIT Stone pool ø488x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - grey
EXIT Black Leather pool ø488x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - black
EXIT Stone pool 400x200x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - grey
EXIT Black Leather pool 400x200x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - black
EXIT Stone pool 540x250x122cm with sand filter pump and dome - grey
EXIT Black Leather pool 540x250x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and accessory set - black
EXIT Stone pool 400x200x100cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool 540x250x100cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø360x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø427x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø450x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool ø488x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool 400x200x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - grey
EXIT Stone pool 540x250x122cm with sand filter pump and dome and heat pump - grey
EXIT pool sand filter pump - 800 gallons/hour

Corpo pompa filtro a sabbia EXIT 3.028L(800gal)/h / 3.785L(1000gal)/h

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+31 314 - 796 020

Dal lunedì al venerdì
8.30 - 17.00

Corpo pompa filtro a sabbia EXIT 3.028L(800gal)/h / 3.785L(1000gal)/h

Il corpo è adatto per pompe filtro a sabbia per piscine EXIT Toys con una capacità di 3.028L(800gal)/h e 3.785L(1000gal)/h. Nel manuale si tratta del codice 395053.

Caratteristiche generali
Codice articolo
Codice EAN
Gruppo di prodotti
Piscine e spa
Gruppo di componenti
Piscine rotonde, Piscine rettangolari
Adatto per
ø 360 x 122 cm, ø 450 x 122 cm, 400 x 200 x 100 cm, 540 x 250 x 100 cm, 540 x 250 x 122 cm
1 kg

Qual è il peso totale del prodotto, imballaggio compreso?

Informazioni sull'imballaggio
Codice EAN
Dimensioni (L x P x A) in cm
2 x 2 x 2
Peso lordo (in kg)
Numero di
Adatto per
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Consegna entro 2 - 3 giorni
Consegna tramite DPD

Questo prodotto ti verrà consegnato a casa tramite DPD. Non appena l'ordine verrà spedito, ti invieremo un'e-mail con il link di tracciamento DPD, così potrai seguire la spedizione. Puoi anche modificare l'orario e l'indirizzo di consegna.

Se DPD non riesce a consegnare l'ordine, il servizio di trasporto proverà prima a consegnarlo a uno dei tuoi vicini. Se ciò non dovesse funzionare, il pacco potrà essere ritirato il giorno lavorativo successivo presso il punto di ritiro DPD più vicino. In tal caso, il servizio di trasporto ti lascerà un avviso con l'indirizzo presso il quale potrai ritirare il pacco.

Nota: un ordine può essere composto da più pacchi che, in casi eccezionali, potrebbero non essere consegnati lo stesso giorno.

Nota: tutti i nostri prodotti vengono consegnati non assemblati, ma è possibile montarli facilmente da soli con l'aiuto del manuale fornito in dotazione.

How can I get new parts for my EXIT outdoor toys?
Come posso ordinare nuovi pezzi per i miei giocattoli da esterno EXIT?
02 januari 2023 Da EXIT Toys puoi ordinare nuovi pezzi per i tuoi giocattoli da esterno. Cosa succede se perdi un pezzo o se devi sostituire un componente dopo anni di utilizzo?
Per saperne di più

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